2020.10.16 Press release


Today marks the start of the subscription period in KebNi AB (publ) (“KebNi” or the “Company”) rights issue of shares. The rights issue is also open for subscriptions to the public.

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Stockholm, Sweden, October 16th 2020 – KebNi is carrying out a rights issue of shares If fully subscribed, KebNi will raise up to approximately SEK 50 million before deduction of issue related costs. The rights issue is covered by guarantee commitments from new investors corresponding to approximately 90 % of the issue proceeds.

For each existing share held on the record day of October 13, 2020, shareholders will receive one subscription right. One subscription right entitles to subscription of one new share. The subscription price is SEK 1.50 per new share. The rights issue is also open to the public.

Subscription period: October 16 – October 30, 2020

Trading in subscription rights: October 16 – October 28, 2020

Trading in BTA: October 16, 2020 – until the issue has been registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Sw. Bolagsverket)

The outcome of the rights issue is expected to be communicated approximately November 4, 2020.

Prospectus, terms and conditions

The prospectus, including full terms and conditions, is available together with subscription forms and information folder on the Company’s, Aktieinvest FK AB and Redeye’s respective websites (www.kebni.com, www.aktieinvest.se, www.redeye.se ).


Redeye Aktiebolag acts as financial adviser and Synch Advokat AB acts as legal adviser in connection with the rights issue.

Certified Adviser

Redeye AB is Certified Adviser for KebNi. Contact details to Redeye AB: tel. +46 (0)8 121 576 90, e-mail certifiedadviser@redeye.se.

Important Information

This press release does not contain or constitute an invitation or an offer to acquire, sell, subscribe for or otherwise trade in securities in KebNi. The invitation to acquire securities in KebNi will only be made through the prospectus that KebNi has published on its website, following the approval and registration thereof by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and only to the persons to whom the prospectus is addressed. The prospectus contains, among other things, risk factors, financial statements as well as information regarding KebNi’s board of directors. This press release has not been approved by any regulatory authority and is not a prospectus. Accordingly, investors should not purchase any securities referred to in this press release except on the basis of information provided in the prospectus.

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This press release may not be announced, published or distributed, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, or any other country where such action is wholly or partially subject to legal restrictions or where such action would require additional prospectuses, other offer documentation, registrations or other actions in addition to what follows from Swedish law.

The information in this press release may not be forwarded, reproduced or disclosed in such a manner that would contravene such restrictions or would require such additional prospectuses, other offer documentation, registrations or other actions. Failure to comply with this instruction may result in a violation of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act“) or laws applicable in other jurisdictions.

No securities have been or will be registered under the Securities Act, or with any other securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States and no securities may be offered, sold, resold, transferred, delivered or distributed, directly or indirectly, into or within the United States or on the account of such persons other than pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to the registration requirements of the Securities Act, and in compliance with any applicable securities laws of any state or jurisdiction of the United States. No public offering of securities is made in the United States. There is no intention to register any securities referred to herein in the United States or to make a public offering in the United States.

This press release contains forward-looking statements which reflect KebNi’s current view on future events and financial and operational development. Words such as “intend”, “will”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “may”, “plan”, “estimate” and other expressions than historical facts that imply indications or predictions of future development or trends, constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements inherently involve both known and unknown risks and uncertainties as they depend on future events and circumstances. Forward-looking statements do not guarantee future results or development and the actual outcome could differ materially from the forward-looking statements.

The information, opinions and forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as of its date and are subject to change without notice.